Monday, January 9, 2017

Factors that Contribute to Weight Loss

Many people struggle to understand the factors that go into weight management and therefore suffer with being either over and underweight as a result. Learning about what factors go into your weight will help you to better manage it.

Your Genetic History

Your genetic makeup will contribute to your health and wellbeing including your weight. While you cannot do anything about your genetic makeup, learning about your genetic tendancies will help you to be able to adjust your lifestyle as needed to better manage your weight. For example, if you are a risk for diabetes due to your genetic history than being in shape is of paramount importance. If you have a genetic tendency towards a sweet tooth then avoiding sweets or managing them makes a lot of sense. While it can be challenging to understand your genetic tendancies, one option out there is DNA testing. DNA testing for weight loss and other health issues can identify your genetic tendancies and provide you with a better idea of how to adjust your lifestyle. A DNA test is easy to have done and can be done with a sample of saliva or blood.

Your Lifestyle and Environment 

Your genetic history is only one factor that goes into your weight. When you perform dna testing for weight loss no factors may be identified as a red flag, but you may be overweight due to an sedentary lifestyle that involves an unbalanced diet. Pay attention to what you eat as well as how much you consume and try to stay within the recommended doses for proper weight management and weight loss. When trying to lose weight you will need to further reduce your calorie consumption and getting assistance from a trained dietitian or personal trainer can be a real eye opener on how to effectively do so.


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